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Successful first NATURANCE webstival

With almost 500 registered attendees, the webstival succeeded in promoting synergies and knowledge sharing on NbS and nature restoration. The recording of all the sessions are now available.

Held online on 14-15 June 2023, the first NATURANCE virtual festival brought together experts in finance and nature-based solutions, alongside insurers, disaster risk professionals, policy makers at the European, regional, and local levels, as well as innovators from various fields.

The webstival was the opportunity for attendees to be engaged in targeted thematic discussions and innovation labs, all aimed at fostering dialogue and providing industry insights. The recording of all the sessions are available on our channels. With almost 500 registered attendees, the webstival succeeded in promoting synergies and knowledge sharing on nature-based solutions and nature restoration.

NATURANCE would like to thank all participants and speakers for making this event possible, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration towards!

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