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The Regional Platforms serve as a key forum for assessing progress on the Sendai Framework for DRR at the regional level.
The first report from the Restoring Nature campaign led by CISL highlights private finance's role in halting and reversing nature loss.
NATURANCE will be featured at the Convention on Biological Diversity and at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
New PEDRR brief underscores the importance of cross-sectoral collaboration and data-driven strategies for effective policy implementation.
Outdated flood maps don’t account for climate change, intense rainfall, or smaller water bodies, leading to significant gaps in flood risk awareness.
The project coordinator Jaroslav Mysiak referred to the work undertaken by Naturance in addressing both the climate and biodiversity crises simultaneously.
As part of a stand on Nature-based Solutions, consortium partner ICLEI Europe displayed a few visual materials of the project.
NetworkNature+ mapped the sustainability policy landscape as well as policy needs and gaps in relation to the deployment of Nature-based Solutions in the EU.
The event, held on September 24th in Brussels, provided opportunities for researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and businesses to collaborate on innovative projects, discuss standardization and policy alignment.