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06 Dec 2023


2:30 pm - 3:30 pm

IIASA Voices – Nature-based Solutions

The planet is facing multiple challenges as the impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss and other environmental problems are starting to be realized.

Nature-based Solutions can address the climate-biodiversity nexus by utilising nature and the power of healthy ecosystems to protect people and economies, and safeguard a stable and biodiverse future.

During this event you will learn more about how NbS can be enabled or hindered through governance systems with a special focus on addressing the near insurmountable nature financing gap.

JoAnne Linnerooth-Bayer and Juliette Martin, with moderator Alberto Fresolone, will share their research and highlight policy and financing policy reforms for supporting NbS.

This online-event is the eleventh installment of the IIASA Voices webinar series and foreruns the upcoming NATURANCE Festival, welcoming public participation upon registration (clik here).